Blueberry Hill


This is the cherry tree behind our house. First it leafed out with red leaves, changing to green and now it is starting to bloom dark pink. We have no idea what it is, but think that it is a cherry meant for fruit (i.e. not ornamental)--when we moved in there were a couple of large cherries (gone bad and soft by then) on it. I guess we'll have to wait and see what it does this year.


Last weekend we planted three blueberry bushes on the hill behind our house. (Yum--I can't wait). The women who checked us out said that she has 4 ten-year-old blueberry bushes that give her more blueberries than she can handle! Apparently blueberries do better with different varieties, so we planted a 'Premier,' a Climax,' and a 'Woodard'. I love blueberries and hopefully in the year to come they'll give us delicious fruit--I'm not expecting much this year since we planted them while they were blooming (see close up, above). As a bonus, some varieties turn red in the fall--not sure if these do, but that would really look nice on our hillside if they do!


This weekend was a really busy weekend. We planted rows of salad greens (kale 'Winterbor,' a mix of our old lettuce seeds, a "Zesty Italian" mesclun mix and an arugula start. Also, the beans pictured above: (Clockwise, from top left: Potomac snap pole beans, Goldrush wax beans, Blue Coco pole beans, Jacob's Cattle Beans, and Blue Lake 274 bush beans).

Stay tuned for more--we're aiming for ducks and chickens!


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