I love the view...

Don't you?

I just haven't felt too much like full-blown posts lately. Something about being completely snowed-out and in that weird period where winter seems endless :-) Well, one of my New Year's resolutions was to take more photos anyhow...

Captioning your photos....

I called this one "Spooky Blizzard Tree"......
(then I had to run inside to dry off my camera.)

Oreo Tree

Does the perfect layer of snow on each branch remind anyone else of oreo cookies?

No? Just me?

The Past Two Weeks...

First it snowed a little...

Then it snowed a LOT.....

Wish I had a chicken for scale in this one..that's almost 4 feet folks...

....and the sun came out...

Just in time for:

Yeah. Is it spring yet?
Darned groundhog.....

More snow pictures to come....these just don't do the sheer quantities justice....

(oh...and did I mention the power outages? ...and then picnik wouldn't load for this post, the nerve...nothing throws your white balance off worse than a bit o' the white stuff....)

Chickens in Winter

I took this photo many, many days ago...before the entire region was pummeled with snow..details on that to follow....

The Weather Out There

Wet (circa Jan 25).

Really, really wet.

(that's the side of our road...)
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